Wednesday, 11 November 2015

How My Research Has Changed My Initial Ideas

How this research has changed my initial ideas:
  • From this research, most of my initial ideas for my magazine have been backed up and confirmed that this would be most appealing to my target audience, for example, I stated that I would prefer darker clothing and makeup, whilst still keeping a modern edge to my costume, and my audience suggested more up to date looks and darker options as the most popular choices.
  • For my colour scheme I wanted to use black and white, with lighter coloured accents to add to the importance of certain features, my audience again confirmed my ideas by making Black and White and Dark the most popular colour choices, and Red, Blue and Gold the other most popular specific colours to include, so I will make these the colours for my accented areas.
  • I did not ask any questions about the type of shot that my audience would prefer, however I plan to create another questionnaire more specific to the cover of my magazine, and this will be where I ask about the pose and type of shot the audience would prefer.
  • Again in the questionnaire for my cover, I will ask about the filter for the cover shot, however I still agree with my updated initial ideas that a coloured image on the cover would be a better, more attractive option, and I perhaps may use a black and white image for the centre of my double page spread article.
  • In my survey, my audience confirmed an interview would perhaps be the best option for the content of my DPS, and I would like to centre the content of my interview around the life outside of music, like stated in my ideas. Some questions could be about how the artist got into music for example and the types of previous artist they aspire to be like, and who their music inspirations would be.
  • After my target audience research, I definitely am planning to include a free download of music, and I would prefer it to be a link or code for the music to be downloaded from the internet rather than a physical copy.
  • My target audience confirmed that they also have no real preference to the gender of the artist on my cover. I would prefer to have a singular model on my cover rather than a band, and I think the model will be female, as I know more female friends who would suit the style I am picturing for my cover, and would be more available for a photoshoot.
  • This research has again confirmed that a clearer front cover would be the best option for my magazine as I said in my updated ideas. Therefore this will be the style that I am aiming for with my magazine.

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