On my front cover of my magazine, I have mostly avoided breaking many conventions, this made the actual creation of my magazine relatively easy as the conventional products available on the market were available for reference and as a basis to being building from which allowed my magazine to fit the conventions already in place.
To begin with, a large masthead, one that filled around a sixth of the page was a convention I adhered to, I felt this was important as it allows the masthead to be easily recognisable and as I used white as the colour, I feel that the colour allows it to stand out significantly and look not only effective but look like something professional that you would see conventionally on a magazine in a store.

Finally I kept the costume more stereotypical of the rock genre, the makeup is dark around the eyes, there is stomach on show, a racy attitude suggested by the genre, but the checkered shirt is a more modern rock image, which I included in order to link to the text where it talks about bringing rock music back.
On my contents page I have tried to include a variety of fonts, as this can commonly be seen in usually vintage magazines. In this case I have used the different fonts to represent a new part of the contents page or the articles. I have used the same colours as my front cover to tie the pages together.
I have again accentuated with brighter colours across the page and included a large amount of articles. A more unusual convention I decided to try was the vintage one of using lines instead of boxes to separate the sub-headings and articles. I feel that this makes a really nice geometric feel to the final piece and I am glad that I tried it, as I feel it look effective.

break up the images being all studio shots. After researching multiple magazines myself, I thought that magazines with all studio shots looked less effective and boring in comparison to those which included other shots.
Finally the convention I really challenged was the one of having props in my photos. When taking an image with props, it changes the manor and the focus of the image, and I chose not to include them to keep the focus on the face and the makeup or outfits of my models.
On my DPS, there are very few conventions changed, for example, the only major one is the fact that I have used another image that is not a frontal image or a portrait shot. I chose to break this as i felt that the image worked well with the story in my DPS. The image could be interpreted by my TA as looking off into the future or looking towards the light at the end of the tunnel, and the TA feedback from the A2 media class have all said this image is the most effective shot in my pages. Aside from this, the only convention I have slightly manipulated is that of having an image for a DPS take up one side of A4, I have only used about half of the page, including the flowered borders I added to fill the space.

The magazine name and website address and colour schemes have both been included on to this page, these allow synergy between the multiple pages of the magazine.
I have used mainly black and white but I used a significant amount of red to accentuate important features, like the title.
Alongside this, the black and white photo reflects the vintage genre significantly and the past and the music industry. However, having the photograph in black and white allows an effective background for the gold colour of the pull quote. The colour also brings the synergy back around and ties the page as a whole together, but also the three pages I have created.
Overall, I think I mostly adhered to conventions and where I broke them I feel as though I have used them effectively to make a good media product, but the genre's I chose made it rather easy to create the product, however I also feel that convention can limit you, as Hartley says, as it restricts the creative freedom you can have with the magazine. However, I also agree with Neale in saying that some conventions needed to be repeated in order to anchor the genre, but they can be manipulated into anything to distort and change the meaning.
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