Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Front Cover Analysis 1 - Research

After creating my college life cover magazine, I have decided to analyse magazine covers of fashion and lifestyle magazines, I thought their features would be different to those included on music magazines and therefore may give me more ideas on what I could add to my music magazine to make it stand out and differ more than those currently on the market.

 This is a Miss Vogue cover featuring Kendall Jenner. What I liked about this cover was the simplicity of it. Usually on magazine covers, there are small pieces of writing advertising the contents of the magazine around the image on the front. This simply shows a photo of Kendall with her name in a paint like font across the bottom. There is no advertising or writing so you are simply looking at the image of Kendall and nothing else. I thought this was a different approach to adding the other articles and posters, offers, etc. around the image that the other types of magazines usually include.
This is a Teen Vogue cover featuring Kylie Jenner. This cover takes a more usual layout, including the articles around the image of Kylie on the front. Teen Vogue has it's masthead along the top of the cover, over the top of Kylie's hair. The masthead of Teen Vogue is always the same, however the
"Teen" changes colour to match the colour scheme of each cover. The front of the cover uses the same red to advertise the articles, there are a few words in red making them stand out more, whilst the rest are in black. The red is eye catching and suggests an element of danger, which ties in with one of the articles about "cool-girl style". The background features very neutral colours making the text colour easy to choose as not only does it contrast with the background but also with Kylie's neutral outfit colours.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for beginning your research Emily. Looking at a variety of covers will definitely give you more ideas for your music magazine cover. You could now begin looking at different music magazine covers and their genres and compare the layout and conventions of them.
