Friday, 18 December 2015

My Music Magazine - Double Page Spread Draft 8

To this there have been some minor changes since the last draft, however I feel that they have created an effective and professional appearance to my magazine. I have added a gold background to one of my pull quotes and change the font colour to black to allow it to stand out. The design of this box is as if paint has been smeared on the page, and the opacity has been lessened so that the text stands out more. The style of this box adds to the rebellious, rock style of the magazine genre alongside the font used for 'dream' in the title, while the rest of the page, I feel, has a more vintage style, lots of flowers and black and white. 

Also to this page I have moved one of the previous pull quotes onto the black part of the image in the upper right corner. I still felt that with the addition of the border, the image was not as eye-catching as possible, but I feel that now with a brighter colour and something to read, that people would pay it more attention and read into the image more, matching it with the article content. This then left me the room to add another pull quote from the text in the previous position of the other, and I chose another that I had highlighted in my article.

Finally I ensured that my text was left aligned around my pull quotes to make the boxing and the professional appearance tidier and more effective and also to fit to convention of magazines.

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