Tuesday, 13 October 2015

My Initial Treatment - Planning

To begin with I have answered a few questions about the planning of my magazine.

1. Name Ideas: 1968.
2. What month will your issue(s) be: November.
3. Genre(s): Vintage, Rock.
4. Target age group and gender: All genders, aged 15 to 18.
5. Existing magazines of most influence: Mojo, Vintage Rock, Uncut.
6. Colour scheme (House style): Red, Black, White, Grey
7. Weekly or monthly: Monthly
8. Magazine quality: Cheaper quality paper, allows a wider audience as the price is cheaper.
9. How many photos/photo shoots might you need?: A range of photos from different locations that all show different outfit choices, initially around 30 photos so that I have lots of options to choose from.
10. What representations might you use?: Dark colours, messy hair, dark clothing and makeup, black and white photos.
11. What will your DPS be about?: A concert for an upcoming artist that mimics the style of Vintage Rock.
12. Does an initial survey of your TA back up these ideas?: [An initial survey of my masthead and ideas will be completed soon.]

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